If you work at a desk or computer for long periods of time, you are likely to get stiff and sore. It’s important to move around throughout the day. Here are 5 tips for integrating some physical activity into your … Continue reading
If you work at a desk or computer for long periods of time, you are likely to get stiff and sore. It’s important to move around throughout the day. Here are 5 tips for integrating some physical activity into your … Continue reading
Don’t have time to work out? Try a quickie workout to combat stress and wake you up. If you can’t go outside to walk due to the weather, do some pushups, air squats and lunges at home or near your … Continue reading
BE A CHAMPION IN YOUR MIND Become an expert by watching experts compete and visualizing yourself performing the skills as they do. Observe a champion and imagine yourself as one. OBSERVE Watch the sports you play. It helps your game to … Continue reading
Got the winter blues? Get some exercise! The BOSU ball is a great piece of exercise equipment that you can use indoors for balance training. Off the field, the BOSU ball can help improve your agility – and tone your muscles. Why … Continue reading
Chris Brockman, “Brocky,” is a diamond-level snowboarding instructor at Snowmass. He has won several amateur titles in the halfpipe slopestyle and boardercross. Brocky is a well-rounded snowboarder who can do it all at a high level. He gives his thoughts … Continue reading
Several of my clients and friends have asked me about grit – resilience – and how they can foster it in their children. There are many mixed messages out there regarding how much to praise children and how to adequately … Continue reading
Chris Condon is a Level 3 PSIA pro who has been teaching skiing for 18 years. He give us some ski tips and describes the mental skills involved in skiing. IMPORTANT MENTAL SKILLS FOR SKIING: Different mental skills are important … Continue reading
Almost a year ago, I tore my hamstring. This injury can take a long time to heal, and I am still recovering. In extreme cases, you will need surgery. See a doctor to get the proper medical advice. For lesser … Continue reading
The kettlebell, unlike the dumbbell, was designed for swinging movements that help improve the posterior chain muscles. Kettlebell exercises build strength and endurance, particularly in the lower back, legs, and shoulders, and they increase grip strength. And kettlebell exercises are fun to add … Continue reading
Music can help athletes improve their performance in many ways. Research shows that listening to music while working out can improve motivation and boost mood. Music allows athletes to disassociate from feelings of fatigue and perceived exertion rates. In other words, … Continue reading
Parents often ask how they should interact with their athlete to best support their confidence in sports. Here are a few general guidelines: 1. Encourage self-motivation. Motivation must be cultivated from the love of sports and competition – not from … Continue reading
1. Set a goal. Set one easy, specific, measurable goal. There are several keys to setting this crucial goal: Write it down and post it up. Keep it Simple Make it simple and easy. Start with a simple goal that is … Continue reading
Clear your mind of can’t. – Samuel Johnson Leo Babauta writes on zenhabits.com rebuttals to common exercise excuses. Lots of people know they should be getting fit, but they can’t seem to find the time to form the fitness habit. … Continue reading
The American Psychological Association recommends 10 ways to build resilience. Here is an overview of their suggestions. Make connections. Good relationships with close family members, friends, or others are important. Accepting help and support from those who care about you … Continue reading