Cognitive Psychology in Sports

What is Cognitive Psychology? Cognitive psychology is concerned with how we receive, process, store, and retrieve information. What does it have to do with sports? Cognitive psychology is linked to sports in that it allows us to acknowledge internal mental states … Continue reading

5 Tips to Take on a Healthy Habit or Drop a Bad One

Many of my friends, my clients, and I are starting new health plans. Our goal is to eat well, exercise, and give up some vices.  Adopting a new habit requires a lot of motivation and discipline.  And quitting a bad habit … Continue reading

Mentally Psyched About Golf

Golf is one of the most fragile sports psychologically.  Golf is a game of confidence and competence. Negative thoughts tighten up the wrong muscles enough to blow your shot. If you want to consistently knock strokes off your game, you … Continue reading

Supporting Your Child Athlete – 5 Tips

Parents want their child to have confidence and enjoy their sport, but they don’t want to over-praise.  How can you best support your child in sport? Here are a 5 tips for supporting your child athlete: 1. Encourage self-motivation. Motivation must … Continue reading