You’re worth being brave.

The above are the words of Brene Brown, bestselling author and research professor. If you have not heard of Brene Brown’s work, visit her website, where you can learn more about her eight books and her work on shame and … Continue reading

Resilience: Six Steps to Staying Strong.

APA Suggestions for Resilience

The American Psychological Association recommends these ways to build resilience. Here is an edited overview of their suggestions.

Make connections. 

Accept help and support from those who care about you and will listen to you.  This strengthens resilience.  Helping others also benefits the helper.

Avoid seeing crises as insurmountable problems. 

You can’t change the fact that highly stressful events happen, but you can change how you interpret and respond to these events.

Accept that change is a part of living

Certain goals may no longer be attainable.  Accept circumstances that cannot be changed to help you focus on circumstances that you can alter.

Move toward your goals. 

Develop some realistic goals. Do something regularly – build healthy habits.  

Think– “What is one thing I know I can accomplish today that helps me move in the direction I want to go?”

Maintain a hopeful outlook nurture a positive view of yourself.

Expect that good things will happen in your life. 

Visualize what you want, rather than worrying about what you fear.

Talk to yourself positively.  Interrupt doubting thoughts and then cheer yourself on!

Take care of yourself.  

Pay attention to your own needs and feelings. 

Engage in activities that you enjoy and find relaxing. 

Exercise regularly. 

Take time for quiet and relaxation if you need it.

Taking care of yourself helps to keep your mind and body primed to deal with situations that require resilience.

Have faith and carry on!

Find out how your performance can benefit from working with Summit Performance Consulting LLC.

Call for a free consultation.


Progressive Muscle Relaxation

Progressive Muscle Relaxation is a good technique for easing anxiety.  It relaxes the mind and body by progressively tensing and relaxing muscle groups throughout the entire body.  This helps to release muscle tension and fosters mindfulness. How do you do … Continue reading

Setting SMART Goals

In sport psychology, we talk about making goals SMART.  The acronym SMART helps you define your goal more clearly. A SMART goal is: S – Specific Your goal clearly tells what action you will take. M – Measurable You will will be able … Continue reading

Beating the Beginning

“I am not in good enough shape to go to the gym.” “I’ve gotten so out-of-shape that it hurts.” ‘Sound familiar? Beginning a new exercise routine can be daunting.  Often, it’s not fun getting back on track, and we have … Continue reading

Resources for Injured Athletes

Often the mental pain caused by your injury and the temporary or permanent loss of your sport can be far more devastating than the physical injury. This type of pain must be addressed and managed in order to recover quickly and … Continue reading

Managing Performance Anxiety

Do you feel dread about performing? Do you feel stage fright before a presentation or anxiety before the big game or test? Athletes and students often experience performance anxiety.  The anxiety not only influences their performance, but it can also … Continue reading

3 Tips to Prep for a Test or Big Game

Worried about your mathematics test or football game against your biggest rival?  What is the best way to prepare for the event? Here are three tips for performing your best on the big day. 1. Get a good night’s sleep.   Make … Continue reading

Managing Mistakes

Teaching Children and Adolescents to Manage Mistakes We want our children and teenagers to perform well, and so do they.  However, the pressure of perfectionism can lead to the fear of making mistakes.  When there is so much pressure to … Continue reading

Sleep Well for Wellness

When students and athletes consult with me, I always ask about their sleep because  sleep is a big part of our lives and is instrumental to our performing well. We all know what it’s like when we haven’t slept well … Continue reading

Improving Focus

Many athletes ask about focus and getting in “the zone.”  Getting in the zone means being in the moment, and being in the moment means that you are not thinking about what’s happened in the past, and you are not … Continue reading