The above are the words of Brene Brown, bestselling author and research professor.
If you have not heard of Brene Brown’s work, visit her website, where you can learn more about her eight books and her work on shame and vulnerability. Her message is that one needs to be vulnerable in order to be brave.
There is no courage without vulnerability.
Brown’s bottom line:
I believe that you have to walk through vulnerability to get to courage, therefore…embrace the suck. I try to be grateful every day, and my motto right now is “Courage over comfort.”
I do NOT believe that cussing and praying are mutually exclusive.
Brown’s messages are encouraging and help you look at the stories you are telling yourself:
“You can’t take criticism and feedback from people who are not being brave with their lives.”
“It’s just the story I am telling myself.” Brown encourages her audience to write their own stories, to take risks, to be brave through vulnerability.
I encourage you to watch her TedTalks or documentaries.
The Price of Invulnerability: Brené Brown at TEDxKC – YouTube
Listening to Shame: Brene Brown – YouTube. This is only 20 minutes long.
Brene Brown: The Call to Courage – Netflix