Why Dogs are Good for Your Mental Health
Dogs can reduce stress levels, help us stay active, and encourage us to meet new people.
Stress Reduction
The simple act of petting a dog can relieve stress by increasing levels of the stress-reducing hormone oxytocin and decreasing production of the stress hormone cortisol. Because dogs give unconditional love, they can be a consistent source of stress-relief.
“Happiness is a warm puppy.” – Charles Shultz
Staying Active
Dogs help you stay active. You have to walk them! You have no choice but to get outside at least three times a day for a walk.
Meeting New People
It seems like everyone in my neighborhood knows my dog, Zoe. When we go for walks, we meet many new people who stop to say hello to her or comment that she is adorable. People approach me because of Zoe, so I have met new people because of her.
Dogs are a lot of responsibility, but there are mental health benefits to dog ownership. Walk your dog frequently and give your dog affection!