The thrill should be competition, not winning.
Athletes need to be challenged and put in tough situations to learn how to overcome and be resilient. At a young age is the time to learn, when the stakes are low.
Sometimes kids need encouragement to help keep them on track; however there is a fine line between encouraging and pushing.
Make sure your child is playing a sport that they enjoy, building their own identity.
Reasonable Goals
Encourage your child to set their own goals to measure progress and be accountable for their own achievements. You may help define appropriate and realistic goals so they are not overwhelmed.
Don’t criticize or yell. Children are often amped up after the game, and they may have trouble reasoning. They seek adult approval and make take criticism and meaning that they are not good enough. Say, “I enjoyed watching you play,” and allow them the space to process the game before verbally sharing it.
At Summit Performance Consulting LLC, consultants put together a customized mental skills training plan to help your child get and stay motivated, navigate challenges, and build on his or her strengths. To learn more, please contact us at 561-325-8363 or at