The players competing in the Honda Classic know a lot about control.
Golf is a game of control. The goal of the game is to control your ball, and you make strategic decisions to control your fate to a certain extent.
The key to control is focusing on what you can control and letting go of what you cannot. For example, you can control your pre-shot routine, strategy, and attitude. You cannot control the weather or your competitors. By accepting that you will have uncontrollable factors in your game, you limit their influence, and thus gain control.
The best strategy for gaining control in your shots is to implement a pre-shot routine. Watch the pros this week and observe what they do before they step up to the ball and then when they step up to the ball. See this week’s blog explaining more about the pre-shot routine.
Get control of your game. Summit Performance Consulting LLC works with golfers and athletes of all levels to take their performance to the next level. Contact us at or 561-325-8363.