Many athletes ask about “the zone.” Getting in the zone means being in the moment, and being in the moment means that you are not thinking about what’s happened in the past, and you are not worried about what’s going to happen in the future.
However, in competition, things happen that require a fair amount of adjustment and so we’re constantly pulled out of the zone. Distractions may be internal, such as overthinking your technique, or external, such as comments from the fans or the weather. How do we prepare for these distractions?
Practice the unexpected things.
Don’t just play on a sunny day with supportive people when you’re feeling well. You’re rarely, if ever, 100%.
Practice many possible scenarios that may occur during competition. Being familiar with potential scenarios will eliminate distracting thoughts and help you just play your game.
Practice on the proper technique during every single repetition.
Don’t just go through the motions. Over-learn your technique so you compete on autopilot.
Always practice your pre-shot routine – it doesn’t help if you only do it in competition.
Acclimate yourself to the competition site.
Being familiar with the site will help to minimize anxiety and distractions. Get comfortable with during your pre-game routine.
We are only really in the zone 10-20% of the time. The rest of the time we really have to work at it. So, it is important that you decide when to shift your focus and practice managing distractions.
Work on your mental game with Summit Performance Consulting LLC and improve your performance. Contact us for more information at or 561-325-8363.