If you can’t go outside to walk due to the weather, do some pushups, air squats and lunges at home or near your desk. Start with 5 minutes of an easy exercise, and once you’ve learned to fit this into your day, you can expand to 10 minutes.
‘Rather watch TV? Try these exercises during commercial breaks. A quickie is better than nothing!
Don’t have 5 minutes? Take 4 minutes! Don’t have time to read this blog? Just look at the pictures and spend a minute on each exercise!


Hold it or pump it.


twist crunches
There! You did it. Just 4 minutes of exercise helps your body and your brain. You should feel more alert now – and your stress should have subsided.
Summit Performance Consulting LLC works with athletes and students at all levels. Often we work with clients via phone and Skype. It’s normal to feel too busy or just unmotivated to exercise. We can help you stick to your goals and be a better you.
Find out how your performance can benefit from working with Summit Performance Consulting LLC. Contact us at Info@SummitPerformanceConsulting.com or 561-325-8363 for a free consultation.
Summit Performance Consulting LLC recommends working with a professional before beginning any new exercise program.